He for She Website: http://www.heforshe.org/
Emma Watson's Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-iFl4qhBsE
Option B:
A friend told me about Emma Watson giving a speech to the UN about feminism and it made my ears perk up because not only do I love Harry Potter but my passion project is about feminism and gender equality.
I thought that this speech was absolutely stunning. The way the Emma describes and defines feminism needs to be said out loud more often just because people think that feminism means that we hate men. This connects to me because I am very very very interested to see equal rights in my lifetime and I know how I feel about this topic. I think that women deserve to have the same opportunities as men do no matter what. It is not right for men to think they are more superior over women because they get paid more. The truth is that women work just as hard as men and that they have the exact same job but get paid less because of their gender. Feminism does not mean that sharing your opinions makes you too aggressive but it does mean that we need gender equality. I think that every singe growing girl or women can relate to something that Emma said. Women are not treated fairly and it needs to be brought up as a serious topic. When I was younger I had thought that feminism was for women to have power and executive jobs. I thought that it meant we were better than men but it does not! I admit I was wrong and like many other people I had the wrong idea about what feminism is. Feminism is equal rights. Emma Watson defines it in her speech and I think that she got it right on.
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